2025 British Masters Weightlifting Championship Start List
Dear Athletes,
Please ensure the details you have entered into the System are correct, as listed below.
You can move UP or DOWN a weight category, but you must notify the Championship Secretary no later than the 14th February. Please email Christopher Baker
You can move UP at the Weigh in, but NOT DOWN
Please ensure the details you have entered into the System are correct, as listed below.
You can move UP or DOWN a weight category, but you must notify the Championship Secretary no later than the 14th February. Please email Christopher Baker
You can move UP at the Weigh in, but NOT DOWN
Could all Referees willing to help out at this event please review the Start List below and contact Championship Secretary to inform him of which Session's you are willing to Referee (There is a £10 payment for each session) : - Please email Christopher Baker or Terence Baker
Could any volunteers wishing to help load during the event please review the Start List below and contact Championship Secretary to inform him of which Session's you are willing to Load (There is a £10 payment for each session) : - Please email Christopher Baker or Terence Baker
Please note - These Championships cannot be run without the support of volunteers for Loading and Refereeing, as there is only a small number of Support Volunteers that help set up this Championship for the Athletes.
Please note - The Athlete must supply the following at Weigh In, otherwise they will not be allowed to lift as per the Master's rules and International Master's Rules. The Rule book can be found on the British Master's Website under Masters Rules or click HERE.
Photographic ID - E.G. Passport/Driving License to prove Year of Birth.
Photographic ID - E.G. Passport/Driving License to prove Year of Birth.
Full Start List